Posts Tagged ‘American Culture’
Jerry Johnston Interviews William Lane Craig on Christian Apologetics
Many atheists refuse to debate William Lane Craig. Deeply studied in the Christian faith, he is passionate about teaching men and women how
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Generally, complimentary does not describe the media’s representation of Christianity. Commendably, a group correcting this unawareness of religion is the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
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Contributing 4.5 million dollars towards the secular movement, Todd Stiefel has been a consistent supporter of
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With a readily accessible stream of entertainment, it is no wonder that America,along with the church, is entertaining herself towards moribundity. Lethargic Christians have too easily been
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If Christians remain untaught about the basics of the Christian faith,the atheist position will remain undisputed.
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While filming at the atheist Reason Rally in Washington, DC, I had a quick interview with Larry Decker, the Executive Director of the Secular Coalition for America. I asked Larry’s opinion of the Pew Research documentation that 21 percent of adult Americans are nones. Larry Decker is one person among the 55 million
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“22% of people who call themselves Christians believe God is a metaphor for
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Despite his mother’s atheist and Marxist indoctrination, Bill Murray became a Christian. Once used by his mother, Madalyn Murray O’Hair, to have compulsory Bible reading banned from school, William J. Murray is now
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On a quick stop in California, I met with Dr. Stephen Davis. Davis is the Russell K. Pitzer Professor of Philosophy at Claremont McKenna College in California. Interacting daily with youth in his religion lectures, Davis has experienced first-hand
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While in London, I filmed with Arif Ahmed, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Cambridge. Representing the atheist perspective, Arif Ahmed has debated distinct Christian scholars such as William Lane Craig and Gary Habermas. I asked Arif if Christianity has become impotent as it relates to the culture.
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