IG Transmedia

My friends Jerry and Cristie Jo Johnston draw upon a lifetime of in-the-trenches experience and ministry, backed by their education, to create compelling and captivating content. Their research is unmatched in its breadth and depth, reaching both the head and heart through books, television, curricula and the internet. As a team, they are building one of the most important faith initiatives in the world today, a multifaceted, multiplatform movement.
- Lee Strobel, best-selling author, and former investigative journalist

This is Jeremiah Johnston, the president of the Christian Thinkers Society, and I am delighted to endorse my parents, Drs. Jerry and Cristie Jo Johnston, in this tremendous, new movement called “The Power and Influence of Christian Strong.” For years, both the scholarly and the media community have needed a new, curated, landmark data study of how we can parse, interpret, assess and implement what we are discovering about the rise of the religious “nones” – those who are leaving the church, who don’t even identify, who can’t even think in religious terms. And for the last seven years, Jerry and Cristie Jo Johnston have been filming with the world’s brightest thinkers from all sides of the spectrum – religious, irreligious, former religious, converted, de-converted — and they have collated all of the data points to tell us exactly how we got where we’re at today. But more importantly, they’re giving us the hope that we need as scholars, as thinkers, as those who engage in the media communities, and as people of faith who are concerned about what the world will look like if there is no religion, if there is no faith. I heartily endorse this new movement. I’m excited for all that is to come in light of what we’ve learned from “This Is Christian Strong.”
- Jeremiah Johnston, President and Founder of the Christian Thinkers Society