
Dr. Jeremiah J. Johnston speaks to 7 thousand delegates at the AACC World Conference 2017

Dr. Jeremiah J. Johnston speaks to 7 thousand delegates at the AACC World Conference 2017 Jeremiah J. Johnston, PhD, associate professor of Theology at Houston Baptist University, and president of the Christian Thinkers Society, captivated thousands of delegates during the American Association of Christian Counselors World Conference in September 2017 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort…

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“I Wrote Myself to a Better Understanding,” – Jerry Johnston with Sociologist Rodney Stark I asked sociologist Rodney Stark about his own faith. He replied, “I wrote myself, my way to a better understanding of things.” His books are classics:  “How The West Won: The Neglected Story of the Triumph of Modernity,” “For The Glory of God: How Monotheism Led to Reformations, Science, Witchhunts, And The End of Slavery,” “America’s…

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Jerry Johnston Interviews Mike Bickle of IHOP – “Young People Want Something to Die For” Before you write off all Millennials as religiously disaffiliated, consider @ihopkc where every week, 24-hours-a-day, 84 worship services per week are conducted, and there is literal non-stop, prayer and worship. @ihopkc is a magnet of spiritual intensity that draws people from all over the world. Yes, there are men and women of all ages.…

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Jerry Johnston Interviews Noted Sociologist Dr. Rodney Stark at Baylor University Where there is life, there is growth. So, I traveled to Waco, TX, and asked renowned American sociologist of religion, PhD Rodney Stark @BaylorISR, “Is Jesus Christ Unique?” Stark has spent a lifetime studying the impact of religion on people in the various nations of the world. He is a profound writer whose many books circle the globe…

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3-Year Documentary Filming by Jerry and Cristie Jo Johnston

blogimage new Over 100 iconic atheist, leaders in atheism, agnosticism, secularism, sociology, philosophy, apologetics, nones, dones, and deconversions have filmed with Cristie Jo and me for our upcoming documentary and ancillary products. We have learned very clearly the arguments against the Christian faith. Further, and even more important, we have discerned how professing Christians, or evangelicals,…

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Cristie Johnston interviews Nabeel Qureshi Nabeel Quershi is the author of Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus. It is his personal story where he transitioned from a committed Muslim to a follower of Jesus Christ. The book has made quite an impact. Nabeel has now moved to Houston, Texas to receive treatment for Stage IV stomach cancer. Detractors have made the…

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Jerry & Cristie Johnston Interview Frank Schaeffer … A Self-Described Atheist Who Prays? We learned something interesting in our two-hour filmed interview with self-identified atheist Frank Schaeffer, son of the late theologian Francis Schaeffer. Frank told us that he prays. FRANK SCHAEFFER:  “When I pray in the morning when I get up; when I use the words ‘Jesus’, and ‘Christ’, and ‘God’, and all these other things that I was raised with.  And you say…

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Jerry & Cristie Johnston Interview J. P. Moreland In our high tech, digital world, do we take the time to think seriously? Are we asking and answering the deeper questions? As we reach for our iPhone every 10 minutes, according to a recent report, when are the moments we drill down deeper about the issues of life and eternity? Are contemporary sermons too…

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Jerry & Cristie Johnston Interview Phil Zuckerman at Pitzer College A Christian student attends a university and is confronted with very aggressive, seemingly knowledgeable professors challenging the tenets of Christianity they have embrace during their young life. What happens? Statistically, approximately 75 percent or more stop attending church in their new environment, and many never return. The Pew Research Center often quoted 2014 study,…

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