
Jerry Johnston Reflects on Lawrence Krauss’ comments from Reason Rally June 2016

From the main stage of the Reason Rally at our nation’s capitol, I listened to the renowned physicist, advocate for science-based public policy, and author of A Universe from Nothing. Lawrence Krauss asked the crowd totruly think about what is reasonable and what is not.

“How is it reasonable to argue, as a father who initiated a lawsuit in Florida did, that children should only use the bathroom that God chose for them – although it’s presumably the same God that intended for them not to be able to enjoy that choice. As my late friend, Christopher Hitchens, once said, “How could a reasonable God require us to be born ill, and then command us to be well?” How is it reasonable that children are at risk of harassment, some people, feel, when transgender children use their bathroom – but at the same time these people allow their children to go somewhere where the data suggests they’re at a far greater risk – Catholic Church?”

For Krauss, religion creates irreasonable, irrational, and dangerous decisions. Can you intellectually respond to Krauss’s argument? It is obvious millions of students cannot as the “Nones” cohort of 56 million adults is comprised of 1/3 Millennials who have left the church and the Christian faith.

Cristie Jo and I are producing a documentary and many other resources to help Christians understand that whole generations are at risk in this culture, and we can actively change the decline that is occurring.

Lawrence Krauss is a renowned physicist, advocate for science-based public policy, and author of A Universe from Nothing. 

Researchers, Drs. Jerry and Cristie Jo Johnston, are Executive Producing a quick-paced film via trans continental, staccato interviews documenting the shocking rise of the non-religious.