Backstage at the Documentary
How You Think?
Are you trying to figure out how people behave? Look first at how they think. Philosophy is a way of thinking about the world and much more. Who or what shapes the way you think? Enter C. Stephen Evans, PhD at @baylor, and author of the recently released, A History of Western Philosophy: From Pre-Socratics…
Read MoreATHEISM IS A SMALL SEGMENT OF THE POPULATION Dr. Jerry Johnston: What we see in trends that – even in the nones – that atheism is a small segment. Would you agree? Or are people afraid to say they’re an atheist? Dr. Richard Dawkins: Oh no, it is small. It is small especially in America. It’s not small among elite scientists. It’s…
Drs. Cristie Jo & Jerry Johnston May 9, 2017 Interview with Dr. Richard Dawkins Dr. Cristie Jo Johnston: Let’s just for instance say that the Bible is true and its claims are true and that when all of us stand before God one day, we will give an account of ourselves. How then will…
Drs. Cristie Jo & Jerry Johnston May 9, 2017 Interview with Dr. Richard Dawkins Dr. Cristie Jo Johnston: So God hides himself and Richard Dawkins needs evidence. What sort of evidence would it take to convince Richard Dawkins that there is in fact a God? Dr. Richard Dawkins: It’s a very difficult question that…
Read MoreHas Your Faith Affected Your Promotions? Dr. Cristie Jo Johnston: Has your outspoken Christianity, your outspoken faith, caused any problems with your promotions here at Rice University? Because we see that in other parts of the country. What about for you here? Dr. James Tour: Nothing has happened in promotions as far as professorial promotions at Rice. I came to…
Read MoreWHY ARE STUDENTS LEAVING THE FAITH? Dr. Jerry Johnston: If some of these stats are right, about 80 to 90 percent of students raised in solid, biblical-teaching churches don’t continue their faith after they go to a secular university. How do you respond to that? Dr. James Tour: Well this is part of why I’m here. We have to fill…
Read MoreWHAT IS A NANOCAR? Dr. Cristie Jo Johnston: So, Professor Tour, let’s talk about you being a racecar driver. So, if you Google the word ‘nanocar,’ your name pops up as the creator, along with some other team members here at Rice University. What is a nanocar? And how do you race a nanocar? Dr. James Tour: So,…
Read MoreJerry Johnston Interview Jonathan Lanman Regarding Virtual Reality in Religion Bloomberg Businessweek asked Apple CEO Tim Cook, “You’ve talked a lot about augmented reality at the heart of the company’s future. How do you see AR moving forward?” Cook replied, “I think it is profound. I am so excited about it, I just want to yell out and scream. The first step in making it a…
Read MoreJerry Johnston Interviews Lois Lee – Founding Director of the Nonreligion and Secularity Network Lois Lee had just arrived back in London, England after her honeymoon when Cristie Jo Johnston and I filmed with her. She is quite unique and very articulate. Lois writes: “I joined the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Kent in 2017 as a Research Fellow, and will take up my post as…
Read MoreJerry Johnston Interviews Miguel Farias – Nones Researcher Four scholars are researching, in four different countries, profiling nones. A compilation of their landmark research, along with other researchers, will be presented in Rome in 2019. Why are people religiously disaffiliating? What is the difference in non-believers in Japan as opposed to Denmark, or Brazil in contrast to the United States? What are the actual catalysts of unbelief? There is obvious diversity in different…
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