
Dr. Jerry Johnston Interviews Dr. William Martin

Dr. William Martin is the Harry and Hazel Chavanne Professor Emeritus of Religion and Public Policy in the Rice University Department of Sociology. He serves as the Chavanne Senior Fellow for Religion and Public Policy at the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy at Rice. Dr. Martin’s research and writing have focused on…

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Dr. Jerry Johnston Interviews Dr. Craig Evans

Dr. Craig Evans is the John Bisagno Distinguished Professor of Christian Origins at HBU. He is a sought-after biblical scholar and New Testament expert. His books and teaching have encouraged many and led skeptics to faith in Jesus Christ. Visit   Dr. Craig Evans has published hundreds of scholarly studies and more than 70…

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Dr. Jerry Johnston Interviews Lynne Jordal Martin

    Lynne Jordal Martin, senior opinion editor of Fox News, draws from her decades of experience in television, including more than 17 years at Fox. She shares her reflections on the importance of thinking with a balanced perspective and enjoying life.   Jerry Johnston, VP of Innovation and Strategic Marketing for Houston Baptist University,…

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Dr. Jerry Johnston Interviews N.T. Wright

Dr. N.T. Wright is an English New Testament scholar, Pauline theologian and retired Anglican bishop. He is known for his work as a professor and author. Visit               Dr. Jerry Johnston talked with prominent New Testament scholar, N.T. Wright, at Houston Baptist University. In their time together, they discuss what the coming of…

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Dr. Jerry Johnston Interviews Jerry Jenkins and Craig Evans

Dr. Craig Evans is the John Bisagno Distinguished Professor of Christian Origins at HBU. He is a sought-after biblical scholar and New Testament expert. His books and teaching have encouraged many and led skeptics to faith in Jesus Christ. Jerry Jenkins is a bestselling author of numerous books, including the famous “Left Behind” series. Together,…

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Dr. Jerry Johnston Interviews Dr. John Tyler

Dr. John Tyler, Jr. is the program coordinator for HBU Legal Studies and associate professor of Government. Dr. Tyler practiced commercial, civil rights and toxic tort litigation as an attorney in Texas for 35 years. As a professor, his teaching emphasizes the dynamic conflict between the political, moral and historical dimensions of law that formed…

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Dr. Jerry Johnston Interviews Dr. Lou Markos

  Dr. Louis Markos is the Robert H. Ray Chair in Humanities, scholar-in-residence and professor of English in the HBU School of Humanities. He is an authority on C.S. Lewis and ancient Greece and Rome. He is a thoughtful author and a lively speaker and teacher.

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How You Think?

Are you trying to figure out how people behave? Look first at how they think. Philosophy is a way of thinking about the world and much more. Who or what shapes the way you think? Enter C. Stephen Evans, PhD at @baylor, and author of the recently released, A History of Western Philosophy: From Pre-Socratics…

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ATHEISM IS A SMALL SEGMENT OF THE POPULATION Dr. Jerry Johnston: What we see in trends that – even in the nones – that atheism is a small segment. Would you agree? Or are people afraid to say they’re an atheist? Dr. Richard Dawkins: Oh no, it is small. It is small especially in America. It’s not small among elite scientists. It’s…

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