Jerry Johnston Researches Reason Rally 2016: Anthony Pinn
The applause that met Anthony Pinn as he greeted the crowd at the Reason Rally was proof of his popularity in secular circles. In June of 2016, I stood with that crowd and listened to Pinn, an American professor of religion and theology from Rice University in Houston, Texas. Pinn is the founder and director of the Center for Engaged Research and Collaborative Learning, and he had something to say about the existence, or lack thereof, of gods.
“For much of the year, we do what we do, the hard work that’s necessary to make this nation more reasonable within the confines of our local communities and regional organizations, but this weekend, this day, we stand strong, family committed to reason and logic. We are prepared to carry our reason without regret, without shame, and with a determination to demand life free of prejudice and discrimination, because we choose to live life based upon reason rather than the words of old books somehow deemed sacred. Theists may try to dismiss us but we will not be ignored. We will not stand by while religious paranoia rules the day, strangling public life. Today marks a new day, a bright and beautiful day when we recognize the public importance of atheism and humanism. We are good without gods.”
Pinn’s chilling statement “We are good without gods” should spur Christian leaders and pastors as they strive to teach men and women in an increasingly secular culture. Could you counter Anthony Pinn? Cristie Jo and I earnestly desire to partner with pastors as they seek to fight the rising tide of biblical illiteracy among professing Christians. To facilitate this partnership, we are developing resources that will assist all ages in their quest for biblical literacy.