Jerry Johnston Interviews Stephen Law on the Validity of the Bible
On a trip to London, I filmed with the British philosopher Stephen Law, editor of the The Royal Institute of Philosophy’s journal, Think, Provost for the UK Center for Inquiry, and Reader in Philosophy at Heythrop College, University of London. Law has debated Christian scholars and apologists like William Lane Craig and John Lennox. I asked Stephen his opinion of the Bible. He replied,
“Well, I’ve read the Bible. I’ve read the Koran. It’s a very strange book, there are many disturbing passages in it, there are some inspiring bits. I very rarely look at it nowadays, other than if I have a kind of philosophical question that for some reason rather requires that I just find out a bit about the Biblical view. But, yeah, I – it’s just a book as far as I’m concerned. It wasn’t written by God. There is no God to write such a book. It’s just one of very many religious texts.”
What is your answer to Law’s misguided claim, “There is no God to write such a book.” Our upcoming documentary will profile a variety of high profile atheists and Christian apologists. Highlighting the rise in secularization, our documentary will take you through universities and homes across the country chronicling the the proliferating percentage of non-religious. You can be thoroughly equipped to answer Law’s shocking statement.