
Cara Santa Maria Address at Reason Rally 2016


 At the June 2016 Reason Rally in Washington D.C., I stood in a crowd of people, many of whom carried signs that read, “This is what an atheist looks like,” “God hates facts,” “Get out of my pants,” and “Smile, there is no Hell.” From the main stage, Cara Santa Maria– a biologist, co-host, and contributor to many science shows including her own popular podcast “Talk Nerdy”– addressed the crowd. She enlightened us on current secular values.

“There are so many threats to our civil liberties and secular values lurking in our midst. Climate denialism, anti-vaccination, anti-abortion, fears around transgenic organisms, anti-evolution rhetoric. These issues, people, they transcend political parties. They can only be settled using reason and using science, and the data is in. Climate change is real. It is a terrible threat, and we are contributing to it every day we do not act. Vaccines save millions of lives and to deny their efficacy is to deny the right to health and happiness for millions of Americans. A woman’s body is her right, her property and hers alone. We cannot allow ourselves to backslide into the patriarchal thinking of the past.”

Former Buddhist and PhD Gary Habermas, who has debated scores of atheists internationally, stated, “Opinions are in. Everyone has an opinion.” Sadly, because they are not informed, many Christians are swayed by the plethora of secular opinions that are unfounded. Cristie Jo and I are passionate about providing biblical teaching in the church to equip men and women with truth.

Cara Santa Maria– is a biologist, co-host, and contributor to many science shows including her own popular podcast “Talk Nerdy”.

Researchers, Drs. Jerry and Cristie Jo Johnston, are Executive Producing a quick-paced film via trans continental, staccato interviews documenting the shocking rise of the non-religious