Posts Tagged ‘Reason and Faith’
Jerry Johnston Researches Reason Rally 2016: Robyn Blumner address
Robyn Blumner, the CEO and President of the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Science and Reason, spoke at the Reason Rally at our nation’s capital. I stood in
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Belief in Christ does not require relinquishment of reason, rather faith is the most reasonable response to the facts of the Christianity. While in London, England, I filmed with Dr. Daniel von Wachter, Professor of Philosophy and Director of the International Academy of Philosophy in Liechtenstein, Germany. I asked Dr. von Wachter about the German…
Read MoreJerry Johnston Interviews Linda Woodhead on Young Adults Leaving the Church
According to Linda Woodhead, youth most often leave the church because
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Is unbelief a sign of a society’s maturation or regression? According to atheist Peter Atkins, society will
Read MoreJerry Johnston Interviews Sir Colin John Humphreys on the Compatibility of Faith and Science
“You can’t believe science and the Bible.” I’m quite sure you have heard the argument time and again. But is it true? Are the two in opposition?
Read MoreJerry Johnston Interviews John Lennox on Faith and Reason
A highly acclaimed Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University and defender of the Christian faith? Reason and the Christian faith are not
Read MoreJerry Johnston Interviews Thomas Sinkinson on the Faith of Young Adults in Britain
With the percentage of nones rocketing among young adults in Britain, the young man sitting before
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