Jerry Johnston Researches Reason Rally 2016: Lyz Liddell
I stood in the heat of Washington DC at the Reason Rally this summer and listened to Lyz Liddell, the executive director of the Reason Rally Coalition. Liddell worked for the national Secular Student Alliance for many years. Here is what the respected freethought activist said:
“We say to our families, our communities, and ultimately our government, which meets just at the other end of this National Mall, that we exist, we are good – without a God, we can bring about social change, and we are a growing voter constituency. Therefore, I invoke our inherent capacity for compassionate action for one another, our neighbors, and our country, which is in sore need of it. Look at us – really, look around you at the people gathered here today. You are not alone. We are not small in number. We will no longer be silent in this land.”
I echo Liddell in that silence is not the answer. Christians must also speak up as the numbers Liddell spoke of really are growing. The nones are increasing each day. While Liddell champions no God, Cristie Jo and I recognize rapid secularization in North America, and we will boldly teach truth with the production of our upcoming documentary and supplemental resources.
Lyz Liddell is the executive director of the Reason Rally Coalition.