37 Years Ago This Week …
If my service had not been canceled at the last minute in Detroit on a Sunday night in 1978; and IF the Pastor, impromptu, had not invited me to stay over and speak in his evening worship; and IF at the end of that meeting, again impromptu, the Pastor had not extended the services for the next two weeks as spiritual renewal came to western Michigan — I would have never met a beautiful young lady by the name of Cristie Huf. The love, blessing, and friendship she has been to me is simply inexpressible. Her dad, Al, had been invited to the services where I was speaking. The last Sunday night Cristie came and we met. God intersected out lives in a most unlikely way. The rest is history — beautiful marriage, three awesome children, and five incredible grandchildren. It all started 37 years ago this week! Thank you, Lord!